關於Excel - SpellNumber 問題﹖2

2007-04-18 9:40 pm
回應上一篇 關於Excel - SpellNumber 問題﹖

( $ 32,540.74) Thirty Two Thousand Five Hundred Forty and Seventy Four Cents Only

當銀碼 ( $ 3,553.10 ) 正常要求如下
Three Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Three and Ten Cent Only

用 SpellNumber 出了如下
Three Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Three and Ten Cents Only

銀碼毫子尾數 ︰ $ 0.10 是用 cent
銀碼毫子尾數︰$ 0.20....... 至 $ 0.90 是用 cents
例如︰Twenty , Thirty , Forty , Fifty , Sixty , Seventy , Eighty , Ninety , cents only


回答 (3)

2007-04-19 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
英文 是沒有角, 祇有元(Dollar)和仙(Cent)
以仙為例, 1仙 應寫成 1Cent
2仙應寫成 2 Cents
1角, 即 10 仙, 應寫成 10 Cents
如 1角 寫成 10 Cent 是不正確的, 請閣下不要堅持
由於你不要Dollar這個字, 及在最後加上Only.
我主張你將Spellnumber 的Code 作如下的一次性修改:
從 Select Case Dollars 這句開始
至 SpellNumber = Dollars & Cents 為止, 全部不要,
Dim x As String
Dim y As String
If Dollars = "" Or Cents = "" Then
x = ""
x = " and "
End If
If Cents = "" Then
y = ""
ElseIf Cents = "One " Then ' 注意 One 之後是沒有空格的
y = " Cent"
y = " Cents"
End If
SpellNumber = Dollars & x & Cents & y & " Only"

改完之後, 請測試以下數字, 試試效果
123.00、0.10、4.01 及其他數字
2015-11-03 8:38 am
Select Case Dollars
Case ""
Dollars = "No Dollars"
Case "One"
Dollars = "One Dollar"
Case Else
Dollars = Dollars & " Dollars"
End Select
Select Case Cents
Case ""
Cents = " and No Cents"
Case "One"
Cents = " and One Cent"
Case Else
Cents = " and " & Cents & " Cents"
End Select
SpellNumber = Dollars & Cents
End Function

Dim x As String
Dim y As String
If Dollars = "" Or Cents = "" Then
x = ""
x = " and "
End If
If Cents = "" Then
y = ""
ElseIf Cents = "One " Then ' 注意 One 之後是沒有空格的
y = " Cent"
y = " Cents"
End If
SpellNumber = Dollars & x & Cents & y & " Only"
End Function

彈出來 編譯錯誤 必須是:運算式, 請問應該點 更改? thx!
2007-04-18 9:51 pm
正確呀!.......妳可能誤會了!cent 的解釋

cent = 0.01= 1 分

妳的意思係 cent = 0.10 誤會了!cent 不是等於 10分 = 1角

所以 spell number 0.10 = ten cents is right.

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