英文(there is ...........好多)

2007-04-18 9:13 pm
(1) there is 同 there are 分別點用同點解
(2) there have 又是點解同點用
(3) this is 同 this are 點解同點用
(4) is there 點解


(5) 成日講 : i....have , put , get ,take

(6)如果同人 你想唔想.....?

(7)我係之前聽到我有個fd用過去式 同人講野

最好用中文作答 因為我唔太識英文

回答 (1)

2007-04-18 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) there is 同 there are 分別點用同點解
(3) this is 同 this are 點解同點用
is 同 are 分別係乜?就係單數同雙數。there一般解「那裏」,同here「這裏」相對,以講呢個字o既人o既所在地做準則。如:There is a man in the room, and there are three chairs inside.
this係「這一個」,所以用is,用are就錯;多過一個(「這些」)用 these are。如:
There are ten apples. This is red. These are green.

(2) there have 又是點解同點用
有there is / are 同佢地o既過去式 was / were,冇there have
但如果句子係現在完成式,就會有 there has been / there have been

(4) is there 點解
用英文問問題時,除非用question words(提問字:what, when, where, why, who, whose, how),否則用動詞開頭。正常陳述句係主詞+動詞+受詞(I + am + a boy),問句則動詞行先,即 Am I a boy? is there即係用there問野囉:
A: Is there any money?
B: No, there is no money.

(5) have , put , get ,take
基本字義:have - 擁有;put - 放;get - 得到;take - 取。呢四個字簡單得o黎仲同其他字組合成好多慣用語,用法多到不能盡錄。要自己睇書學先得喎。

(6)「如果同人 你想唔想.....? 」你想講乜?睇唔明喎
如要問人「你想唔想出去?」最簡單可以講 Do you want to go out?


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