
2007-04-18 5:04 pm
a slum
grass roots
a degree-holder

回答 (2)

2007-04-18 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1). Workaholic people are spending too much of their time on working, rather than enjoying their life.
(2). Jenny is interested in ice-kating since she is five.

(1). We shall not look down to anyone who came from a slum.
(2). The government of Hong Kong is offering the Comprehensive Social Security Scheme to assist the citizens at grass roots

(1). The only way to sustain competitiveness of Hong Kong is reducing the degree of illiterate.
(2). The education level of HK is increasing where more and more people are degree-holders in the society.

2007-04-18 14:55:45 補充:
樓下的hidyfool,多謝你的寶貴意見.你英文了得,為什麼不試做句子呢!?!說不定,樓主會選你.(1). Also assume ice-skating,打漏左個s.因為沒有 "kating”這字.(2).As to workaholic, I can accept your explanation on that sentence. The word “people” can be omitted from the sentence, if you insist. Actually either way is acceptable.

2007-04-18 14:56:05 補充:
(3). 至於 illiterate,if you check in yahoo’s dictionary, you can found that is can be used as n. and adj. It also have a meaning of 文盲;無知的人(when it is noun). In another words, that means 名詞時是指文盲的人和文盲的狀況.

2007-04-18 14:56:17 補充:
As to your sentence, “The only way to sustain (the) competitiveness of Hong Kong is (to reduce) the number of illiterate(s).” I think both “degree of illiterate” and “number of illiterate” are correct.

2007-04-18 15:01:04 補充:
I hereby correct the sentences which cause problems:(1). Ice-skating is Jenny’s interest. OR Ice-skating is famous sport in America.(2). People of workaholic fever treat working prior to anything else.(3). Education is the only way to stop the illiterate.

2007-04-21 10:06:31 補充:
2007-04-18 6:10 pm


workaholic是可以做名詞又可以做形容詞,如果你用people的話,因為people是沒有指定誰,所以你可以直接以 Workaholics are spending... 代替 Workaholic people are spending...

illiterate做名詞時是指文盲的人,不是文盲的狀況,所以你不應該用degree of illiterate,可以改成: The only way to sustain (the) competitiveness of Hong Kong is (to reduce) the number of illiterate(s).

2007-04-18 10:12:02 補充:
仲有就係past tense:Jenny is interested in ice-skating since she (was) five.

2007-04-18 20:40:18 補充:
嗯,其實不是呢,呢個好多時都係一個香港人常犯既錯你講得o岩,illiterate係可以做形客詞同名詞,但係當你話degree of ”somthing”既時候,個”something”一定要係名詞,唔可以做形容詞,所以當你話”degree of illiterate”既時候,illiterate就會自動成為文盲既人既意思Education is the only way to stop the illiterate.

2007-04-18 20:41:18 補充:
Education is the only way to stop the illiterate. 同樣道理,當你用the something,你就會自動用緊文盲人既意思,而唔係個狀況請參考:illiterature, illiteracyIce-skating is (a) famous sport in America. 漏左個 a其實你既造句都算不錯,我無需要同你爭分數嘛,選邊個都冇所謂,幫人都係要講個心姐

2007-04-22 20:04:19 補充:

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