
2007-04-18 3:12 pm
I thought it was dangerous for Susan to meet Alan. I against she met Alan and I told her he may be a people and he may have unlawful sex with her. After listening my advice. Susan decided to refuse to meet with Alan. She promised she won’t be careless.

回答 (5)

2007-04-18 3:33 pm
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I thought it was not a good idea for Susan to meet Alan. I objected her meeting Alan and I told her he might be one of those who may have unlawful sex with her. ('who may have unlawful sex with her' <= 唔係好明你想講乜,係咪想講 'who had been looking for adulteries' ?) After taking my advice, Susan decided not to meet Alan. She promised she won’t be careless. ( ' She promised she won’t be careless. ' <= '佢答應佢唔會唔小心'? 最後一句唔知你既意思係乜,乜野事唔小心?唔好唔小心d乜野?)


同埋有幾句唔明你原意係乜,唔敢改,好似例如 'I thought it was not a good idea...' 可以係 'I knew it was not a good idea...',不過我唔肯定你既原意,改左怕會同你既意思有出入

2007-04-18 07:38:16 補充:

2007-04-18 07:51:55 補充:
另外有d我唔敢改既係,你不斷用meet呢個字,好似有d沉悶,如果你唔係有咩特別理由要重覆咁用呢個verb既話,你或者可以用其他字代替或者rephase一下,例如:I thought it was dangerous for Susan to see AlanGeneral speaking, 我覺得呢度用see會好過用meet
2007-04-22 3:08 am
"he may have unlawful sex with her" doesn't make much sense... very strange wording...

I thought it was not a good idea for Susan to Meet Alan. I object to her meeting Alan; I told her that he may be a bad person (criminal?) and he may sexually asault her. Susan took my advice and decided to turn down Alan. She promised that she will be careful from now on.
2007-04-18 5:35 pm
I thought it was dangerous for Susan to meet Alan.So,I told her not to meet Alan because he might have illegal sex with her.After listening to my advice,Susan decided not to meet with Alan and she promised that she wouldn't be careless again.
參考: me
2007-04-18 4:00 pm
I thought it was dangerous for Susan to meet Alan.So,I told her not to meet Alan because he might have illegal sex with her.After listening to my advice,Susan decided not to meet with Alan and she promised that she wouldn't be careless again.
2007-04-18 3:23 pm
I thought it was dangerous for Susan to meet Alan. I told her not to meet her otherwise she may have illegal sex with Alan.After listening to my advice,Susan decided not to meet Alan. She promised that she would not be careless.
參考: me

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