
2007-04-18 3:12 pm
Susan is a secondary two student who like making friends through ICQ. One day, she made a new friend called Alan in internet. Alan sent a message to Susan. The content is that he wanted to meet Susan. Susan felt confused about it, so she asked me for advice

回答 (2)

2007-04-18 3:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Susan is a secondary two student who likes making friends through ICQ. (是不是part of a story?如果是,我諗將第一句轉埋做過去式會好d,但係如果係report既情況,第一句可以keep做現在式)One day, she made a new friend called Alan on the Internet. Alan sent a message to Susan proposing a date with Susan. Susan felt confused, so she asked me for advices.


最尾果個phase係ok,不過我'估'可能你既實意係 '... so she came to me for advices.' 意思上有d出入…
2007-04-18 3:27 pm
Susan is a secoundary two student who like to make friends through ICQ. One day, She made a new friend called Alan on the internet. Alan asked if Susan could have a date with him. Susan felt confused and asked me for advice.

e.g. Alan sent a message to Susan 呢句,其實可以不用。因為大家都應知道alan 是以 message 的形式與 susan 聯絡的。
參考: 自己

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