
2007-04-18 9:16 am
I've got 108 history terms to study for the exam. 15 of them will be appear on the exam paper. I've got a choice to choose 5 of them to answer. what is the least amount of terms I have to study for the final exam?

回答 (3)

2007-04-18 8:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you ask for the least number of terms that you have to study and you can answer all the 5 questions to get full mark in all cases.
You at least study 108-(15-10) = 98 terms. Because if you are the unluckiest, the 10 terms you have not studied are selected among the 15 questions, and you can still choose the remaining 5 questions you have studied to answer .

Note: if you study 97 terms, i.e. you have not studied 11 terms, and there is a possibility that all the 11 terms are included in the 15 questions, and you cannot get full mark.
2007-04-18 9:35 am
Form my point of view,
perhaps it is as following:-


I donot calculate the answer and it must be taken my time to them.

So hope someone calculate it.

2007-04-20 13:12:00 補充:

2007-04-20 13:12:10 補充:
2007-04-18 9:24 am
i guess...if really even distrubution..u should study 5/15 *108 ..i.e. 36

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