
2007-04-18 9:07 am
1. 航空公司係咪要付全部責任?
2. 佢係咪要俾番機我走?
3. 係咪唔洗再補$..?
4. 要等幾耐先可以走到??


回答 (5)

2007-04-18 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
你都未去,由點會預計到自己會被拒絕入境呢? 除非你將會在英國做出不法行為,危害到英國啦!
1. 航空公司係咪要付全部責任?

2. 佢係咪要俾番機我走?
你有買來會機票個呵! 咁你咪坐返飛機返回你機票上寫明既地點囉!

3. 係咪唔洗再補$..?
如果你買經濟位來回機票,咪坐返經濟位(不用補$),除非你臨時想改坐商務/頭等,梗係要補$..啦! 唔信既話就將你既情形,打電話去BA問吓!

4. 要等幾耐先可以走到??
視乎下一班回程機既時間囉! 我當你由香港去英國,犯咗法被英國海關拒絕入境,就會搭最快返香港果班機(如有機位)。

我奉勸你一句! 去英國最好唔好犯法啦! 被拒入境既人會在戶照蓋印,以後想去都好麻煩!!
又如果你只是去英國旅行,一切正常的話,英國係好歡迎你既! 我試過自己一個女仔去英國旅行都無問題!

2007-04-22 18:04:56 補充:
回應樓下的幸運虎 : 航空公司又點會預先知道你將會被拒入境呢?! 話明是去到英國才被拒絕入境,咁就只有海關先至知道啦!我有個朋友以前年紀細又未出過遠門,由香港坐飛機去到英國,入境時海關問她到英國的目的是什麼? 她同關員講來英國找工作及學習英文,她沒有合法工作證和學生證,再加上她年青貌美,梗係被人誤會她是去英國做雞啦! 結果被女關員捉入房搜身,兼在戶照內蓋上了特別印,即時坐返飛機返香港,白白浪費咗機票錢兼以後去英國都好麻煩囉! (她現在想返以前的說話都覺得好好笑)
2007-05-09 8:18 pm
2007-04-20 6:08 am
I heard some of my mates who are working for the airlines that if they depot you, the airline has to take the responsibility to send you back (when you depart, for example if someone flies from Tokyo to London by BA, but rejected to enter to the U.K., even though this person just got one way ticket, in this case, BA has to responsible to send you back home.

Don't worry, YES, the airlines have to take ALL responsibilities, unless you did something against the law and caused to the rejection. Otherwise you don't need to pay any extra money.

If you have such worries, I would give you some ideas:

1) Buy the travel insurance in advance before you go (Blue cross offers additional discount if you purchase your travel insurance online).

2) Bring all evidences with you, e.g. Your working evidence if you are working, ask your employer to write you a letter to proof that you have got a job and will be returning to your company at (the date). Or if you are a student, bring the school details, such as enrollment form/letter or ask your lecturers/supervisor to write you some evidence that you will return to the school.

3) If you have got return ticket, show the immigration dept. when you enter to the U.K..

4) When you answer the questions at the immigration dept., don't lie, tell them the truth, as most of them can tell if you lies, as sometimes they will keep questioning you some same questions again and again, if you lie to them, they can tell, as you may produce different answers to them finally... just be calm, answer all questions clearly and slowly, if you don't understand the questions, ask them to repeat politely, don't try to answer something what you uncertain.

Good luck.
2007-04-18 6:31 pm
1. 唔關 airlines 事....係英國海關既問題.
2. 唔會比錢你, 但回程機票唔使你比. 會有專人送你上機 ka la.
3. 不用付任何費用. 但去程個張機票當冇數 ka la. 另外, 你回程張機票亦冇得退 lor. 總之作廢 la.
4. 等呀....視乎下一班英航機幾點走 la. 佢地會安排你最快個班機打道回港. 你坐英航去, 多數坐番英航番 lor.
2007-04-18 9:15 am
1) 唔關航空公司點解要付責呢???
2) 你有回程機票... 佢會同你改機票,改做即時回程...
3) 睇你機票... 佢有機會問你攞番administration費用...
4) 幾時有機幾時走... 睇下BA幾時有機走,你就幾時走...

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