│─A ─Ω──│
如果上面個LIGHT BULB form normal to short cuircult
reading of ammeter 同voltmeter個reading 會變成點( increase decrease 定 變 zero 等等)
咁如果唔係to short circult 係 burn out 既話 又會點變
┌──│l───┐ 個LIGHT BULB form normal to short cuircult
A " " " " " " " " " " │ reading of ammeter 同voltmeter個reading 會變成點 ├───Ω───┤ ( increase decrease 定 變 zero 等等)
└──V────┘ 咁如果唔係to short circult 係 burn out 既話 又會點變
""" 係space 唔使理