Troy 經典對白 [布萊得彼特 新版]

2007-04-18 10:38 pm
Troy 經典對白 [布萊得彼特 新版]

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2007-04-19 12:53 am
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Achilles: I want what all men want, I just want it more.
Hector: Fight me.
Achilles: Why kill you now, Prince of Troy, with no-one here to see you fall.
Achilles: [to Briseis] You are free. If I hurt you, it's not what I wanted.
Achilles: Go. No one will stop you. You have my word.
Achilles: [to Hector] We will meet again my brother.
Achilles: [to Birseis] Trojan soldiers died protecting you. Perhaps they deserve more than your pity.
Achilles: Before my time is done I will look down on your corpse and smile.
Achilles: You gave me peace in a lifetime of war.
Achilles: [to his men] Myrmidons! My brothers of the sword! I would rather fight beside you than any army of thousands! Let no man forget how menacing we are, we are lions! Do you know what's waiting beyond that beach? Immortality! Take it! It's yours.
Achilles: [to Hector] Get up, Prince of Troy! I won't let a stone rob me of my glory.
Messenger Boy: They say you can't be killed.
Achilles: Well, I wouldn't be bothering with the shield then, would I.
Achilles: [to Briseis] You don't have to fear me, girl. You're the only Trojan who can say that.
Achilles: You won't have eyes tonight. You won't have ears or a tongue. you will wander the underworld blind, deaf and dumb and all the dead will know; This is Hector: the fool who thought he killed Achilles.
Achilles: [to Priam] You are a far better king than the one leading this army.
Achilles: There are no pacts between lions and men.
Achilles: I'll tell you a secret. Something they don't teach you in your temple. The Gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.
Odysseus: We need you. Greece needs you.
Achilles: Greece got along fine before I was born. And Greece will remain Greece long after I am gone.

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