how to talk to a beautiful girl when your fat?

2007-04-17 9:45 am
I saw this girl in the bus , she goes to the school beside mine, i like her very much, but i am fat, i want to be her friend, but i don't know what to do, every time i see her , i feel nervous and start sweating, help, i can't take it, i lie her, i need to know exactly how to talk, please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (11)

2007-04-17 9:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
try to make it look like you don't see any open seats and ask if you can sit next to her and talk about the weather then introduce yourself to her and at first just try to be friends with her and try to develop it from there. i have a problom with this also.
參考: life?
2007-04-17 9:51 am
What does being fat have to do with anything that doesn't change who you are on the inside... I'm sure that you are a nice guy and she would be really nice to you why not give it a shot and just say good morning to her one day for starters...
2016-04-01 5:27 pm
Apparently she has some internal beauty, which dominantly expresses to her appearance as well. Seek to discover your internal beauty and you will both be happy and won't feel like someone is overshadowing you. You know what jealousy (envy) is? Grief for the prosperity of the neighbor! It hurts you, not the neighbor, and if it happens to have some preserved soul purity you will feel bad about. For you're feeling bad about it reveals how demonic sin jealousy is! Get over it, use your will to trample the snake of jealousy in your heart! You know how? Mobilize all your generosity and ignoring your own selfish pursuits offer the whole warmth of your hearth to do good to that girl, and to anyone around you, of whom you don't expect the same in return! When you act thus you're lending to God, and who lends to God will receive 100x! Cherish the disrespected, and not for the fact you will look good in your eyes - but for the fact that you are good to yourself thus! Why to yourself? Well, first for this is the right thing to do benefit - for it is innate only for the human to change things to good, to improve things; second - for you will receive an immediate reward, for the compassion stimulates the brightest in the human soul and you will feel light inside, in other words - happy (scientifically proved as well); and third - for you are lending to God, and you will receive it back, multiplied, in the hardest times of yours, when you expect no support! I myself feel nice, sending this advises to you, my sister! Blessings from the depth of my heart!
2007-04-17 9:55 am
listen if u dont have a good self image, then no one will like u. as for this girl if u feel so strongly about her take it as it comes, build up confidence and just do it you've got nothing to lose, trust me i know
2007-04-17 9:53 am
You crack a fat or you are overweight? I'm going to be brutally honest but if you are that insecure about your weight that it makes you nervous, loss some weight. It will improve your self-esteem and it will give you a great sense of achievement. Remember bro don't do it for her, do it for yourself.
2007-04-17 9:53 am
i think the most important thing is to be confident in yourself. all you have to do is say hi. one little word. if she blows you off then you know that she bases everything on looks and thats not the kind of person you want to have a friendship with (trust me) . if she responds, it means that she doesnt care what you look like and she wants to know you. hope it helps and i hope things work out.
參考: personal experience
2007-04-17 9:53 am
What has that to do with talking.If you are a nice friendly person your looks dont matter.
2007-04-17 9:52 am
Next time you see her dig up all your courage and start up a conversation about anything you have in common. That should lead to another topic and so on..the key is getting the conversation started. If you are worried about being fat do your best to help yourself feel good about yourself whether you excersise and lose some extra baggage or you just gain more confidence is up to you.
2007-04-17 9:50 am
I'm not sure. Just stay the way you are and she might see you and like you the next time you see her! Or you can loose some weight, like some 50 pounds or two.
2007-04-17 9:50 am
If you see being fat as an obstacle then you better fix that first, by accepting it or doing something about it. If you have confidence in yourself a girl will look past appearances

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