
2007-04-18 7:48 am

Officially starts before the sport day, certainly could not be few begins the ceremony. After the ceremony, each competition regular start. The participation schoolmate except has.........students, also has our school junior college students ( 我們學校的大專生 ), the scene is extremely lively. The competition divides into the male group, the female group, the male and female mixes the group, including: ........

回答 (2)

2007-04-18 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
The opening ceremony marked the official commencement of the sports day. After that, various competition started, participated by not only our students but also junior college students from other schools. There are totally three groups: the male group, the female group, and the unisex group. The events were all very exciting.


你果段根本唔係英文, 係中文
生字又好熟字又好, 都要正確地組合先可以表達到意思
如果唔熟習句子結構/文法, 會好難正確咁組合出黎

2007-04-18 00:20:21 補充:
Sorry, 中間錯左少少野以下係更正的... There were totally three groups ...
2007-04-18 8:12 am
你有幾個grammatical mistakes, so I help you to correct them.

^_^ The right answer is :
Officially starts before the sport day, certainly cannot be few begins of the ceremony. After the ceremony, each competition regular to start. The schoolmate who has participated except has.........students, also has our school junior college students ( 我們學校的大專生 ), the scene is extremely lively. The competition divides into the male group, the female group, the mixes of male and female group, including: ........

^~^ My answer is certainly correct------professional
參考: My Knowledge + My Mind + English Dictionary

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:56:26
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