Maths **急 (請寫上步驟)

2007-04-18 7:30 am
1. the n-th term of an arithmetic sequence is 2+5n .
Find the sum of the first 100 terms of the sequence.

2. In a class, students study either History or Geography, but not both. If the number of students studying Geography is 50% more than those studying History, what is the percentage of students studying History?

回答 (2)

2007-04-18 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. the n-th term of an arithmetic sequence is 2+5n .
Find the sum of the first 100 terms of the sequence.
The sequence is
First term 2
difference 5
the sum of the first 100 terms
2. In a class, students study either History or Geography, but not both. If the number of students studying Geography is 50% more than those studying History, what is the percentage of students studying History?
Let there are total n students in a class
Let the number of students who study History is n(H)
Let the number of students who study Geography is n(G)
Then n(G)=1.5[n(H)]
But n(G)+n(H)=n
So 1.5[n(H)]+n(H)=n
So the percentage of students studying History is 40%

2007-04-18 02:14:53 補充:
第一題做錯了The sequence is 7,12,17....First term 7difference 5the sum of the first 100 terms=n/2[2a+(n-1)d] =100/2[2(7)+(100-1)(5)]=50(509)=25450不過下面個位第二條是做錯的。你代students=100便知道了
2007-04-18 8:28 am
the sum of the first 100 terms of the sequence is 25450

let x is the percentage of students studying History
即the number of students studying Geography is (x+50)%
so 25% of students studying History

2007-04-18 23:53:21 補充:
sorry myisland8132說得對2.錯了,應是let x is the percentage of students studying History即the number of students studying Geography is x(1+50%)x(1+50%)+x=100%250%x=100%x=0.4so 40% of students studying History

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