
2007-04-18 7:13 am

1. The area is crowded with people. Why do many people like to near industrial areas?

2. If you were an owner of a toy factory, would you like to set up your factory in the area? Give two reasons to explain your answer.

回答 (1)

2007-04-18 6:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 問題是否漏了一個字?
Why do many people like to LIVE near industrial areas?

People like to live near industrial areas mainly because there are higher job opportunities. (有較高的就業機會)

2. I would like to set up my toy factory there because:
a) a toy factory is a labour-orientated industry. This area has a large labour supply.
b) Since this area is crowded with people, there is a large local market for my products.

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