那裏可以捉到鬼斯(在pokemon crater 裏)?

2007-04-18 5:26 am
誰可以說給我聽那裏可以捉到鬼斯(在pokemon crater 裏)?

回答 (6)

2007-04-18 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-04-30 7:56 pm
草地 大屋
參考: 我個account是10112
2007-04-28 3:35 pm
in the church or12格地圖下面3格
參考: me
2007-04-24 4:13 am
Maybe you can catch Gastly in the grass maps, i caught mine there. One is shiny, one is dark and one is normal.

Good Luck and Nice to meet you!
2007-04-22 5:20 pm
Dark Gastly appeared!
Level: 14 HP: 56
Click here to try to capture it in map 7
2007-04-21 10:55 pm
grassland, not in the water, in those 12 maps which linked together

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