
2007-04-18 5:06 am
We have interviewed six people who use ICQ. They are all use ICQ everyday. Their reason for using ICQ mostly is they can use it to communicate with other people and may be they friends have used it, so they follow it. The advantages of using the ICQ are that it is very convenient. The ICQ is becoming more popular in daily life. But there are the disadvantages of using the ICQ.

回答 (2)

2007-04-18 2:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We have interviewed six people who use ICQ. They are all use ICQ everyday.
1) 如果呢段野係interview的總結, 就唔係have interviewed啦
2) 呢兩句可以合埋簡化
We interviewed six people who all use ICQ everyday.

Their reason for using ICQ mostly is they can use it to communicate with other people and may be they friends have used it, so they follow it.
首先你要搞清楚你有一個定兩個reason. 我見呢句有2個reason
1) They can use it to communicate with other people
2) Their friends are using it.
咁你開頭就要話Their reasonS ..... are......
同埋mostly會用在比較大的場合. 得個6丁友唔用mostly啦
Their reasons for using ICQ are easy communication with other people and friends influences.

The advantages of using the ICQ are that it is very convenient.
又係數量問題啦, 你得一個advantage就唔用are啦
同埋我估你係想話"ICQ的好處係方便", 唔係"用ICQ的好處係方便"
The advantage of ICQ is convenience.

ICQ is becoming more popular in daily life.

But there are the disadvantages of using the ICQ.
However, there are disadvantages of using ICQ.
2007-04-18 5:12 am
第一句:They are all use ICQ everday,不要are
第三句:係Their friends not they friend
最後一句: the disadvantages 不要 the

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