
2007-04-18 3:20 am
我依家讀緊既中學係直姿既~~所以無分band幾,form1到依家都考倒精英班,咁多科目最好既都係英文,每次都有8~9字頭,但最差係maths,次次都係緊緊合格5字頭...其他都多數6,7字頭咁啦~但我一向好鐘意講英文,想轉國際學校,雖然會好唔捨得d friends,但我真係好想無時無刻係school都可以講Eng.以我咁既成績,可唔可以入國際學校呢,有無適合我既國際學校啊???

回答 (3)

2007-04-18 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
應該有d hard~~
有咩school我就唔可以笞你~~因為我不知你學校的eng水準是how(你有8~9字頭,但系d test paper 可能系好易)

2007-04-17 19:34:05 補充:
and 如果你要國際學校啊,不如到外國讀~~因為都要俾$$$~~~為何不去較好的na???
參考: 因為本人有這樣的經驗
2007-04-18 3:32 am
我跟你的case一樣,但是香港的國際學校十分expensive,我suggest你去留學Britain or Singapore if you do like speaking english as well because there is no an extreme difference about the school fee between Hong Kong and Britain.
參考: my analyze
2007-04-18 3:27 am
first thing you need to consider is do yr parent have enough money to send u there??
and the second thing is international scholl is not as good as u thought. most of my fds are study there and they all said its so crap to study there. they rather go study in the other school~
by the way, hv u consider to study oversea? i think this is the best way to do, and u can speak english anytime 2..... so, think about it.
參考: me

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