
2007-04-18 3:11 am

Please show your steps~~~~

回答 (2)

2007-04-18 9:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
既然係1 o岩2就錯=.=.....3佢有emf先有current..所以都係o岩o既..
(4)b---average force=momentum改變/時間
2007-04-18 6:10 am
i'm not sure whether it is correct, but i hope it helps you ^^'

37. D
when the rod moves in the magnetic field, the electrons inside the copper rod experiences an upward magnetic force. The electrons are pushed up and P becomes negative terminal, just like a cell. an e.m.f. is set up, P is -ve while Q is +ve
Current flow from negative to positive inside the cell and from positve to negative in external circuit.
So 2,3 are correct.

17. B
Net force acted on the car= 900 * 2 = 1800N
By s=ut+1/2at^2
s=displacement travelled
u = initial velocity = 0ms^-1
a = acceleration

s = 0.5 * 2*(4^2)
= 16m
Work done by the force = 16 *1800 = 28800J
Power = work done/time

15. B
area under the graph=change of momentum
=0.5 * 0.1 * 240
=12 kg ms^-1
change of momentum = 0.2 (v-u)
12 = 0.2 (v-40)
v = -20ms^-1(in opposite direction)

16. A
Force = rate of change of momentum
= 12/0.2
參考: myself

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