漂白劑(Chlorine bleach)的化學反應[10pts]

2007-04-18 2:16 am
我有個chem. project係要我地做reaction of chlorine bleach,

P.S. Chlorine reacts with HCI

回答 (2)

2007-04-19 10:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Chlorine reacts with HCl
Cl- + OCl- + 2H+ → Cl2 + H2O

that is, chlorine will be produced
to carry out the experiment
you need a stoppered beaker which has 2 holes
1 is for stopping funnel, 1 is for delivery tube
the beaker should contain chlorine bleach
the dropping funnel should contain dilute HCl
the delivery tube should connect to a gas jar in order to have downward delivery

during the experiment
turn the stopcock of the funnel and control the amount of HCl flow into the beaker
put a white card behind the gas jar
and you will figure out that the jar will contain some greenish-yellow gas
collect some gas
then put a moist red blue litmus paper near the mouth of jar and
let the gas come out from the mouth in a narrow gap
the colour of the paper will change from blue to red and then white
cover the jar again
參考: me*
2007-04-19 9:23 am
chlorine bleach 即 OCl- + Cl- + H2O ( eg NaOCl + NaCl + H2O )
1. test bleaching power (漂白能力)
搵張 pH paper 加 few drops chlorine bleach
之後佢就會turns blue , after a while 佢會turns white( bleah 左)

2. This 超正!! 必做!!!!
加 HCl (acid/H+) 落d chlorine bleah 到
2H+ + Cl- + OCl- 出 Cl2 + H2O
Cl2 即chlorine , 之後你就會見到d人死哂 \ (o: / ...
Chlorine 自己諗點test 啦-.-

2007-04-19 01:24:23 補充:
打錯字-.- 係 bleach-.-
參考: me

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