pokemon crater忘記密碼!pokemon crater高手help!!!

2007-04-18 2:01 am
pokemon crater忘記密碼,點算!!!!

回答 (6)

2007-04-22 1:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Go to www.pokemoncrater.com
then go to log in,
there, you will see Forgot your Password.
Then type your username and your password should be send to your e-mail.
參考: me, pokemoncrater.com
2007-04-21 10:51 pm
go to "forget password", type in your username, then it will send password to your e-mail(only if you type in your e-mail in the account!)
2007-04-21 9:26 pm
可以按forget password or Sign up
參考: me
2007-04-21 4:06 pm
入到去登入畫面,按 forget my password,再搞埋D野便OK


2007-04-18 3:59 am
><.............me toomy pokemon is very good..........>
2007-04-18 3:54 am
What are you mean??
I play pokemon 7years,also don't know
pokemon games need密碼!!

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