
2007-04-18 1:13 am

回答 (10)

2007-04-18 1:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Less than 250 words

2007-04-17 18:35:05 補充:
注意:以下七個回答者皆有錯處!mandy1232008----------「250 characters do not suffice」意思為「250字並不足夠」而非「不夠250字」。(另外,發問者只說要英文,故不需要日文和韓文。)myeung123456----------「do not have two hundred firty words」意思為「沒有250字」而非「不夠250字」。(另外,250的英文應是「two hundred and fifty」。)pautak----------「not enough」是直接中譯英,文法已錯。

2007-04-17 18:35:39 補充:
handsomedicksonkoo----------錯處同mandy1232008。laalaa619----------「not less than 250 words」意思為「不少於250字」而非「不夠250字」。makchungwing----------錯處同pautak。(另外,「word」應為「words」。)jasonyipsw----------第一句錯處同pautak,第三句錯處同mandy1232008。
參考: Myself!
2007-04-18 1:29 am
less than 250 words
2007-04-18 1:25 am
1. Not enough two hundred and fifty words
2. Less than two hundred and fifty words
3. 250 characters do not suffice
參考: My Knowledge + My Mind + English Dictionary
2007-04-18 1:21 am
not enough two hundred and fifty word
2007-04-18 1:20 am
not less than 250 words.
參考: english sample paper
2007-04-18 1:17 am
250 characters do not suffice
250자가 충분하지 않습니다
2007-04-18 1:17 am
Not enough 250 words
2007-04-18 1:16 am
do not have two hundred firty words
參考: me
2007-04-18 1:16 am
less than 250 words...
2007-04-18 1:16 am
250 characters do not suffice
250자가 충분하지 않습니다

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