何謂"奧運精神"? (10分)

2007-04-17 10:58 pm

What is the meaning of"Olympism"?


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回答 (3)

2007-04-17 11:02 pm
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1913年根據顧拜旦的構思設計製作。長方形,白底無邊,中間有五個相套連的圓環 ,亦稱奧運五環。五環是由藍、黃、黑、綠、紅五色組成。


 1914年在巴黎舉行奧林匹克代表大會上,為了慶祝恢復奧林匹克運動會 20 週年,首次升起這支的旗幟。1920年在比利時安特衛普舉行的奧委會使用此面旗幟為奧運會會旗。其後,國際奧委會繼續以此旗為奧運會會旗。

2007-04-22 6:32 am
Modern Olympism was conceived by Pierre de Coubertin. It seems that Coubertin, himself, never tried to define those terms unequivocally. Nevertheless, from Coubertin’s previous discourses and essays, one can find that Coubertin did make a clear statement about Olympism. In a letter on the 22nd November 1918, he writes:

Olympism is not a system; it is a state of mind. The most diverse educational forms may be penetrated by it, and no one race or epoch can claim an exclusive monopoly of it (De Coubertin, 1918: 55).

Has the modern conception of Olympism changed compared with the Coubertin’s original Olympic ideas? Besides the fact that some issues are no longer stressed, such as the notion of amateur rules and more female athletes in the Olympic Games, we see no dramatic changes in Olympism. The spirit of Olympism has generally and commonly been accepted. While in recent decades there have been numerous interpretations and notions of Olympism, they are still greatly based on Coubertin’s thoughts. In addition, the term ‘Olympism’ has been justified and given deeper meaning.

The first words of the Olympic Charter (1994) state simply the nature and goal of Olympism. Fundamental Principal 2 says:

Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combing in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles (p. 10).

Fundamental Principle 6 says:

The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play (p. 11).

The definition of Olympism from the Olympic Charter basically is still deeply rooted in Coubertin’s ideas. Wigmore (1999: 2) identifies the following issues in the above two quotes:
*Respect For Others
*Fair play
*Taking part
*Character development

For Wigmore, the concept of Olympism will be at a high level of generality. It will find different expressions in time and place, history and geography. That is to say, there will be different conceptions of Olympism, which will interpret the general concept in such a way as to bring it to real life in a particular context.

We can adopt the view of the philosophical anthropology to defend the necessary and permanent status of Olympism for an ideal human being. Jim Parry (1998) thinks that the status Olympism as a social, political, and educational ideology necessarily appeals to a philosophical anthropology which he refers to as—‘an idealized conception of the human being towards which the ideology strives in its attempted social reproduction of the individual (p. 159)’. He suggests that the philosophical anthropology of Olympism promotes the ideals of:
* individual all round harmonious human development;
* towards excellence and achievement;
* through effort in competitive sporting activity;
* under conditions of mutual respect, fairness, justice and equality;
* with a view to creating lasting personal human relationships of friendship;
* international relationships of peace, toleration and understanding;
* and cultural alliances with the arts (Parry, 1998: 160-1). [ send green star]
2007-04-17 11:14 pm
奧運精神 = 和平與友誼的精神





參考: 維基百科

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