SBA Romeo and juliet 十萬火急 20分! THZ!

2007-04-17 9:07 pm

1, Do you think that " love at first sight ' is true love ?
2. Can' love at first sight' last long in the modern world ?
3. Romeo and Juliet killed themselves when they found their beloved died.Do
you think they were silly ?
4. Suppose you were dating. What would you, as a teenager, do if your family
objected to it ?

希望字數可以多d 同 埋有個人見解
十萬個多謝` 急要! thz!

回答 (2)

2007-04-17 10:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. ”Love at first sight”can be true love. Personally, I find no corrolation between ”love at first sight”and true love. I think majority of people do not believe in ”love at first sight”but that does not neceesarily prevent true love from happening with ”love at first sight”.
2. ”Love at first sight”has nothing to do with how long a relationship can last. It is possible that ”love at first sight”can last long although, in modern world, it may not always be the case.
3. I do not think they were silly. People should have the right to decide what their meaning of life is. Romeo and Juliet happened to believe that their meaning of life was their love for each other. I believe it is reasonable that they ended their life when they lost their meaning of life.
4. I would respect their opinion on dating if they have good reasons to object. If their reasons are academic related or otherwise nonsense, I will keep dating regardless of what they think. I do believe that more parents should be more open on the topic of dating for teenagers. There are more than school to experience life with at this age.
參考: Me
2007-04-17 10:14 pm
1.我認為" love at first sight '係唔多真,只是你那時那刻喜歡她/他,并不是那人也like你~
2 我認為真愛是長久,兩人真心相愛,就算死亡也continue,也叫直到永遠!
4.I think my family will be objected that!Although this is an experience,but teenager wants to study hard to go University.
參考: me

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