✔ 最佳答案
If you have your own car, you should you it as practice.
Cheapest from $100 per hours to $200, normally it included the car by the 師傅
什麼叫大鐘, 細鍾
大鐘: 1 hour, 細鐘: 45 minutes
若有碰撞, 是師傅或是學員負責,
All car on road shall have the 3rd party insurrance. Normally, all the problem will go to the actual driver and the car owner. As you also have the Full Classes Driving Licence, you need to responsible for any road traffic violation etc.
If you join the driving school, there insurance would covered a portion.
If you already have the Official Driving Licence, it would not..!
You may ask the teacher to show his Driving Licence. Also, you may check with the HK Transportation Department, HKSAR for the list of registered 師傅 for reference.
Remember to bring your ID and Driving Licence.