Canon 400D 問題

2007-04-17 12:08 pm
係咪專業既相機e.g.400D 都係冇得影短片架??
咁我買powershot G7 好定400D好呀??

回答 (7)

2007-04-17 8:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
At the moment, all the DSLR camera cannot record video clips.

For long term use, a DSLR is good as it can have more option and assessory for photo taking. Wide range of Lens can be selected (remember that Canon EOS 400D use APS-S side CMOS optical unit. It would have a 1.6X magnification for the attached lens.)

For EOS 1D series and 5D series, they use the Full Size CMOS so the choice of lens is much wider.

For a CANON PowerShot G7, it is good for travel and more convenience for a starter or casual user. It has 10.0 M Pixel and also have the manual setting function.
For more, you may also equip the Wide Angle Converter (WC-DC58B) and Tele Converter (TC-DC58C) to make it with wider shoot range.

The wide angle converter has 0.75x and can widen the lens to ~26mm.
The tele angle converter has 2.0x and can lengthen the lens to ~420mm.

Both cost $960 at the Canon shop. It may be cheaper for buying it at other shop. However, a adaptor (LA-DC58N) must be equiped for the attachment of the above lens. It cost $260 at Canon Shop too.

For more details, you shall visit the Canon Show Room in TST. You can try all the camera first and select the one most suitable for your need.

For a DVD Camcorder or DV Camcorder, it is just up to how frequency you need to take video. There are so many format in the market at the momont. DVD, mini DV, DV, Harddisk etc. I do believe the Harddisk type would be the one for the future. More convenence to edit and storage in computer. DVD format is ease to use and can be edited immeditate and playback on general DVD player. For DV Tape & mini DV Tape, it should be no longer use in the coming future as the technology is changing date bu date...!

At the end, the photo quality of a DSLR camera would generally be better than a Compact DC as the size of the optical unit is different.
2007-04-21 3:04 pm
Quote : For EOS 1D series and 5D series, they use the Full Size CMOS so the choice of lens is much wider.

I do not agree with this statement. Since you cannot use lens developed for smaller cmos sensor, The choice of lens should be less.
2007-04-18 4:53 am
我覺得點樣選擇要視乎你重視邊方面嘅性能多D, 定位上400D係一部純影相嘅相機, 擁有單鏡反光機嘅相片質素及可換鏡頭嘅靈活性, 但係機動性相對較弱, 始終冇可能每次帶一大堆鏡頭及配件出街, 而G7係一部功能較全面嘅相機, 可以影相同拍片, 但鏡頭擴充性相對較弱。如果你希望投入攝影世界裏面同發展攝影興趣, 400D 會係較好嘅選擇, 但預算方面會較多, 但係如果預算唔多但又希望揾部性能唔錯同間中影吓嘅話, G7 就會適合D。

最後, 想影靚相唔一定要買專業相機嘅。
2007-04-17 2:01 pm
It's not 專業既相機 cannot record video clip, it's D-SLR (digital single lens reflex) cameras cannot record video. Canon 400D is a D-SLR, thus it doesn't take video clip.

If you want a camera that can record video and allows you to have manual control of shutter speed, aperture, etc., you may consider Canon Powershot G7, S3 IS, Panasonic Lumix FZ8, Olympus SP-550, Fujifilm FinePix S5700, S9600.
2007-04-17 1:44 pm


400D係一部入門級 ga DSLR(單鏡反光相機)
參考: 自己
2007-04-17 1:42 pm

2007-04-17 12:56 pm
First of all, 400D is not considered a 專業既相機 and it does not take video clip; but the G7 does. Go with 400D if you primary take pictures and buy a video camera for taking video. Videos taken from a still camera are not that great anyway.

For full review and specification, see

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