
2007-04-17 10:46 am
由於英文太乍,所以請高人幫手, 急interview用, 請反譯成英文

今曰我好多謝你地能比我哩個面試機会, 等我可以喺度介紹自己, 由於我個牲比較外向同偏愛一D實務口既工作, 所以當年我揀選咗新聞系哩個科目修讀, 但畢業後, 我除曾經係电台做咗一份好短暫既partime job之外, 我並未有從事相関既行業, 而早期既我就係喺建築行業中從事行政既工作, 及後有一個偶然既機会經朋友轉介, 我有機会進入一間建築公司內的採購部工作, 因此我成功由行政工作轉形至採購工作, 時至今日, 巳是三年前的事, 我真係覺得有幸能從事喱個行業, 因為我真係覺得哩行好適合我,

回答 (2)

2007-04-17 11:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thanks for the chance of interview that you give me today, it can let me introduce myself. I chose the News course to study when i was young. But I just got a short partime in the radio station at once after I gratuated. I never have any jobs around this, and I worked in a building company's administration at a earlier time. Then I got a chance from my friend to go in another building company as the purchase section. It's already three years from the administration to the purchase section until now, I feel very pleased can be work in this kind of business, because I think it's very fit me.

um... 有d地方譯得唔好請見諒
2007-04-17 11:27 am
Thank you for the opportunity on April 16, 2007 (put your date), the interview was a great chance for me to introduce myself. I chose to study journalism since I am an outgoing person and I would love to work on some practical assignments. But I did not have any related working experience except the previous partime job at the broadcast company after my graduation. Three years ago, I had a chance to join the purchasing department at a construction company through my friend's transferral, when I was performing some administrative work at another construction company. I was very successful to switch field from admnistrative work to puchasing department. I feel that I am very lucky be in th is career, because it fits my personality so well.

2007-04-17 03:29:36 補充:
新聞系 = journalism! It includes director, reporter, everything in the 新聞 groups~

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