
2007-04-17 8:41 am
They appointed him chairman.

He lives in a house amongst the trees.

You'd better look before you leap.


回答 (3)

2007-04-17 9:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
第一句 : They appointed him as the Chairman.
大人物, 或加強語氣用 as the. 而且, 要注意系.. 如果系「事實」, 都唔洗用過去式.

第二句 : He lives in the house amongst trees.
用the加強語氣house而唔系trees, 因為個subject系HE.. 咁系in reponse to THE HOUSE.

第二句 : You're better watched carefully before leaping.
雖然唔系好肯定, 但應該唔會用LOOK. 而且, o向咁嘅情況leap系應該用noun比較順, 而且, 系before後面, 所以系leaping. 當然有時候 before, after 用過去式, 但以上句子一定唔可以. 特別系上面個case都唔系過去. 而且, 根本系CHINGLISH.. 唔系英文句.. 出現兩個you又無分開兩句, 好有問題.

2007-04-17 01:56:32 補充:
更正 : 第三句You'd better watch carefully before leaping.

2007-04-17 01:57:32 補充:
amongst 在...中間; 在...之中 (in between)

2007-04-17 02:01:36 補充:
第三句解釋 : 因為有d = would,之後個verb一定唔洗用過去式或pp.
參考: as my knowledge
2007-04-17 12:42 pm
They (appointed )voted him as a chairman.
chairman 是投票選出來應該用voted

He lives in a house (amongst)under the trees.
房屋應該在樹旁或樹下beside/under 不是樹上

You('d) 'l better look before you leap.
因為跳前看清楚應該用 shall/ 'l
2007-04-17 8:45 am
they appointed him as a chairman
he lives in a house amonst the trees??唔明白~~
you'd better looked before you leap.

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