我屋企隻貓同隻狗唔 friend 怎麼辦?

2007-04-17 8:35 am
我養左隻貓 2個月 (已經 1 year old) 跟住再帶隻狗狗回家 (5 months old) 但佢地一D 都唔 friend, 隻貓種唔出廳 tim, what can i do????? please help~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

回答 (4)

2007-04-17 12:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Cat does not like dog, just like the Garfield cartoon. That is nature.

Dog tends to be too passionate when start playing or chasing, and will not stop even if the cat wants it to stop. So, the cat will get frustrated and start protecting itself or attacking the dog.

A 1-yr old cat is like a 7-yr old human; and a 5 mo. old dog is like a 3-yr old human. The cat is way too smart for that little doggie. So, the cat will hide away from the licking, chasing or playing from the dog.

Just take it easy!! It will always be the way. Maybe until the dog get more mature, the cat does not need to avoid the dog anymore.

The action for you to take is to train the dog to be patient, stable and not licking, chasing at any moving things or animals.

By the way, if you have an older dog at home first, and then get a baby cat home. The story will be different. The mature dog may let the cat live peacefully with it. Definitely not a young dog with an older cat.

Good luck
2007-04-18 6:09 am
所以話呢:nothing to do!順其自然la唔打交就無問題!
參考: 廿年養貓、十幾年養狗、年幾養白兔及倉鼠經驗
2007-04-18 4:52 am

2007-04-17 10:46 pm
其實都唔係既, 只不過你要明白, 無la la有個陌生人走入你間屋話以後同你一齊住, 你會有咩反應呀? 固中既道理係一樣既!


我屋企隻老貓, 都成日去整蠱隻狗呀(我都係養左隻貓先, 之後先養隻狗既)!但佢地都無咩點大打出手!就算係打, 我隻狗從來都無還口(因為有我地開頭都有睇實佢, 過左幾個月之後已經無喇), 所以你可以放心!當然, 你最好就帶隻狗狗去貓貓面前打招乎啦!正所謂︰入屋叫人, 入廟拜神, 貓貓只係有d呷唶姐, 慢慢黎啦, 唔心急得嫁!


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