地鐵&九廣鐵路 係private or public company

2007-04-17 8:33 am
地鐵&九廣鐵路 係private limited company ,public limited company 定係partly government ge?

佢地係咩合併? 合併左有咩好?

另外,可以比d關於地鐵&九廣鐵路合併ge information我ma?

回答 (3)

2007-04-17 11:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
先做 introduction

company 有 limited / unlimited

limited 有limited by guarantee / limited by share
或者 limited 有 private / public

public 有 listed / unlisted

地鐵明顯係 listed(上市), 所似係 public listed limited company
上kcr 個網, 九鐵全名係 "九廣鐵路公司", 冇 "有限", 所以 unlimited company, 好似暫時係政府擁有定係大股東....

所謂佢地合併, 係張政府張 "九鐵" 賣比 "地鐵", 所以有人鬧政府唔好 "賤賣資產", 即好平咁賣比 "地鐵", 官商勾結, 輸送利益之類。

一般合併好處係節省重叠資原, 所以有裁員出現wor, 而節省回來的資原就話會減車費wor, 另外九鐡賣左比地鐵後會商業化 d, 會管理得好 d wor

2007-05-18 9:22 pm
KCR 係 public corporstion!!!
mix with the element of government and private company
2007-04-17 1:15 pm
地鐵..partly government
九廣鐵路...public limited company

佢地係咩合併? KCR will join to MTR Co.
合併左有咩好? the fare will adjust and we will pay less...joint company will pay less in operation cost

you can find more info in www.mtr.com.hk

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