why the teenagers don't like drink chinese tea ?

2007-04-17 6:02 am

回答 (2)

2007-04-17 7:00 am
Why teenagers do not like drinking Chinese Tea?

1. Old image of Chinese Tea:

Chinese Tea sounds like the favourite of the eldery (長者). In Chinese restaurant, we can easily find many aged people (老人) who gather (聚集) around drinking Chinese Tea. Hence, for the sake of (為了) an identification (認同) with other youngsters (年青人), they reject (拒絕) anything being remarked (被評論) as outdated (落伍) & oldie (舊式).

2. Many selections (選擇) other than that:

Nowadays, various kinds of beverage (飲品) are being sold with the sales target (銷售對象) of teenagers, for instance (例如), Coke, soft drink, fruit juice & so on. They are accessible (可接近) not only in the selling sites, but also in the media (媒體) like TV & digital world. Advertisers (廣告商) constantly (不斷地) agitate for (鼓吹) the youth (年青一代) to enjoy their products. In this case, teenagers who can be affected (影響) easily, keep seeking for the excitement (刺激) of taste (味覺) instead of trying something healthy.

3. Western diet (飲食) invasion (入侵):

To say (可以說), Western diet has made overwhelmingly (全面性地) invasion (入侵) to our Chinese community (社區). Children and teenagers are no longer keen on (熱愛) our Chinese traditional (傳統的) food and beverage (飲品) while they are much eager (熱衷) to those fast food, hamburger, French fries (薯條), pizza & big smug (特大的杯) of Coke. Though there are many medical (醫學的) issue (發表) defining (定義) many modern Western meal as junk food (垃圾食物), the eating habit (習慣) of our new generation (新一代) has already been influenced (影響).

As a matter of fact (事實上), Chinese Tea contains Vitamins & good ingredients (成份) which is beneficial (有益) to digestion (消化) as well as to health. Drinking Chinese Tea is even a kind of art (藝術) and culture (文化). It is time for us teenagers to learn drinking Chinese Tea.
2007-04-17 6:07 am
可能係teenagers唔like d茶o既甘苦味..

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