
2007-04-17 4:53 am

11/8由London乘早班Eurostar 到Paris, 約1200到達,遊蒙馬特、聖心堂、紅磨坊
12/8遊Paris: 凡爾賽宮、巴黎鐵塔、塞納河岸、香榭麗謝大道、凱旋門
13/8遊Paris: 羅浮宮、杜勒麗花園、協和廣場、馬德蓮娜教堂、巴黎歌劇院 // 晚上乘夜車往Berlin
14/8遊Berlin // 晚上乘夜車往Munich
15/8遊Munich: Concentration Camp, Toy Meseum
16/8遊Munich: 新天鵝堡 // 晚上乘夜車往Venice
18/8遊Venice // 晚上乘夜車往Rome
19/8遊Rome: 真實之口, 鬥獸場, 古羅馬廢墟, 許願池, 西班牙廣場
20/8遊Rome: 梵蒂岡, 聖天使城堡等地
22/8乘早車往Milan,坐下午的Easyjet 回London Gatwick,晚上乘飛機回港

回答 (2)

2007-04-22 12:12 am
Munich to Fuessen (新天鵝堡 is in Fuessen) is far, in my opinion. And once you're near 新天鵝堡, you need to walk up the hill, it talks time. OR you can wait in the long queue for buses. If you want to visit the inside of the castle, you need to join a guided tour.
One more thing, if you want a better view of the castle, you have to walk to another side of the hill.
I think it will be too tight to go to Venice on the same day.

2007-04-23 15:41:57 補充:
It takes 2 hours by train from Munich to Fuessen.Walking to the castle takes 40 mintues.informationhttp://www.schwangau.de/628.0.htmltrain schedulehttp://www.bahn.de
參考: my experience
2007-04-17 5:46 am
你的行程簡單明快而有條理,真的很好 !! 但巴黎 ( 8 月 12 日) 的一天會比較緊密一點. 在凡爾賽回來市中心已經是 3 點多了, 應該先到塞納河岸 (可於 Musee d'Orsay 或 St. Michel 落車), 慢步一會才去巴黎鐵塔, 大約晚上 8 點左右再去香榭麗謝大道, 就可晚飯, 行街了... 但注意, 晚上只有少部份店舖尚在營業...
參考: living in Paris for a year before + travel experience

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