
2007-04-17 4:23 am


回答 (2)

2007-04-17 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
* the small plan operation, take the community self sufficient, has the equality as ideal
* everybody to enjoy the organic product power independently, therefore the buyer should support
* in mutually the production, the sales process the non-exploitation ingredient, producer's dignity is respected * uses as far as possible the local seed and the variety, resists the planter gene transformation variety
* by the environment ecology, the biodiversity to worry
* does not use chemistry agricultural chemicals, the fertiliser, protects the air, the water source and the land is exempt from the pollution
* manufacture compost, maintains the soil the vitality, causes the farm the energy and the material moves in endless cycles
* the wheel to plough, the mixed planting, according to the season season planter, lets the plant and the land is at the balanced health the condition
* to respect the native placeThe knowledge and the culture
* to violate the above principle the government policy and hinder each kind of monopoly influence and the expense principle culture which these principles carry out, raises the question and the challenge
2008-01-16 11:49 pm
呢個咪係機翻出來個咯!! 無滿意解答不如刪題!
a piece of junk!

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