anyone can help me to translate?? urgent! (20 marks!!)

2007-04-17 2:15 am
anyone good in englsih can help me to translate these words into english??

Urgent~ the first one who answer me can get 20 marks~!!

2003年3月20日,美國向伊拉克發動猛烈空襲,戰爭正式爆發。美國以伊拉克擁有大殺傷力武器,威脅世界安全為由,發動是次戰爭, 造成大量人命傷亡,


回答 (3)

2007-04-17 2:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
2003年3月20日,美國向伊拉克發動猛烈空襲,戰爭正式爆發。美國以伊拉克擁有大殺傷力武器,威脅世界安全為由,發動是次戰爭, 造成大量人命傷亡,


On March 20, 2003, US started the severe raid to Iraq, the war official eruption. The US has the weapons of mass destruction take Iraq, the threat world security as a reason, starts this time war, causes the massive human life casualties.

Very many commentaries pointed out that US attacks Iraq's true goal to lie in the control area the petroleum, strives for the economic interest.
2007-04-17 11:57 pm
On 20th March, 2003, USA said that Iraq has got big lethality weapons and might menace the world's safety as the reason. She started a fierce air raid to Iraq. Immediately, the war broke out and cause a lot of soldier and civilians died or injured.


A lot of comment said that USA attack Iraq's reason was to get the oils in Iraq.

參考: Myself
2007-04-17 2:43 am

On the 20th March 2003, the United States of America began a heavy aerial offensive against Iraq, war officially began. The US cites the reason for declaring the war, which resulted in many human casualties, is that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, and was threatening world peace.

Many critics have stated that, the real motive for the US attack on Iraq was to gain control of the oil reserves in the area, so as to benefit economically
參考: 自己

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