求著名英詩作家(最緊要係出名) VERY EMERGENCY`

2007-04-17 1:23 am

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2007-04-17 1:28 am
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托馬斯·斯特恩斯·艾略特,OM(Thomas Stearns Eliot,1888年9月26日—1965年1月4日),一位美國/英國詩人、評論家、劇作家,其作品對二十世紀乃至今日的文學史上影響極為深遠。1948年,60歲的艾略特迎來了他一生中最大的榮譽——諾貝爾文學獎。

[編輯] 生平簡述

1905年的秋天,艾略特進入哈佛大學,他的新生生涯過得非常舒適,所加入的幾個社團當中有一個是文學方面的:「書章」(the literary signet)。受一些教授的影響,艾略特開始關注起白璧德(Irving Babbitt)的醒世格言及桑塔亞納(George Santayana)的懷疑論,對他影響最深的是塞門茲(Arthur Symons)的書《文學中的象徵主義運動》。由於艾略特起初所擇課程過於分散而使自己變得手忙腳亂,但最後憑其毅力終於獲得了比較文學的學士學位以及英國文學的碩士學位。

1910年,艾略特離開美國,前往巴黎的索邦大學(la Sorbonne),在那裡,各種藝術領域的前衛思想、學術圍繞著他,在法蘭西學院聆聽了柏格森(Henri Bergson)的哲學課後,艾略特一下子就被迷住了,這使得他重歸被當時譽為哲學的黃金時代的哈佛修讀哲學博士學位。1914年,艾略特前往歐洲旅行,那個時候,他在哈佛的大部分哲學老師已經將他視作一個未來的同事。艾略特打算於同年秋進入牛津大學的默頓學院學習,同行的有布拉德利(F.H.Bradley)的同事及後續者約阿欣(Harold Joachim)。由於戰爭迫近,艾略特提前了去英國的旅程,於同年的8月到達倫敦,同行的美國詩人艾肯(Aiken)將艾略特的詩稿送給著名詩人艾茲拉·龐德,9月,艾略特與龐德初次見面,從此,兩人在新古典主義詩歌的創作活動中緊緊的聯繫在一起。在龐德的幫助下,許多雜誌刊登了艾略特的詩作,其中最顯著的一首是於1915年發表的《J.阿爾弗雷德·普魯弗洛克的情歌》。這首詩模仿了法國象徵派詩人儒爾·拉夫格的風格,具有很濃的諷刺意味,刻畫了當時社會背景下的人對於愛情對於生活的複雜心理。

1915年初,在一個同學的介紹下,艾略特認識了舞蹈家薇薇安·海伍德(Vivien Haigh-Wood),他迅速的被迷住了,兩人於當年的六月結婚。艾略特的父母對此感到震驚,當他們知道了薇薇安一長串感情史及精神病史後更是深深的困擾,這場婚姻使整個家庭瀕於破裂,但也無可置疑的開創了艾略特的英國生活。

婚後的生活並非一帆風順,為了要應付開支,艾略特承受著繁重的工作量,他在一所學校擔任講師,又擔任一本先鋒雜誌《唯我主義者》(the Egoist)的助理編輯。1916年4月,艾略特完成博士論文,但由於他拒絕回國而失去了學位。1917年春天,一位朋友為艾略特提供了一份穩定的工作,在勞埃德銀行(Lloyd's Bank)擔任評估員。這份工作使艾略特有時間和精力繼續他的詩歌創作,那一年,他的第一本書《普魯弗洛克及其他》出版給了他很大的動力。這本書由《自我主義者》雜誌印行,由龐德夫婦匿名出資。這本書為艾略特奠定了作為一名詩人的地位,接著,1922年《荒原》出版,這部作品被評論界看作是二十世紀最有影響力的一部詩作,而艾略特本人的名氣也高漲的近似神話,至今,這部作品仍被認為是英美現代詩歌的里程碑。1927年,艾略特加入了英籍。1930年以後的三十年裡,艾略特成為了英國文壇上最卓越的詩人及評論家。

由於兩人的性格差異巨大,艾略特的第一次婚姻注定是一個失敗,薇薇安因為精神上的原因住進療養院,1933年,身心疲憊的艾略特與妻子正式分居。1956年,艾略特娶了第二任妻子弗嵐切(Valerie Fletcher),這場婚姻十分幸福。1965年1月4日,艾略特於倫敦的家中逝世。

[編輯] 代表作品一覽

《普魯弗洛克及其他》(Prufrock and Other Observations,1917年)
《荒原》(The Waste Land,1922年)
《詩集1909-1925》(Poems 1909-1925,1925年)
《聖灰星期三》(Ash Wednesday,1930年)
《老負鼠的貓經》(Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats,1939年)
《焦灼的諾頓》(Burnt Norton,1941年)
《四個四重奏》(Four Quartets,1943年)
《詩集》(Collected Poems,1962年)


《聖林》(The Sacred Wood,1920年)
《安德魯·馬維爾》(Andrew Marvell,1922年)
《當代文學的傳統和嘗試》(Tradition and Experimentation in Present-Day Literature,1929年)
《朗伯斯後的沉思》(Thoughts After Lambeth,1931年)
《約翰·德萊頓》(John Dryden,1932年)
《古典與現代散文》(Essays Ancient and Modern,1936年)
《詩與劇》(Poetry and Drama,1951年)


《岩石》(The Rock,1934年)
《大教堂中的謀殺》(Murder in the Cathedral,1935年)
《家庭聚會》(The Family Reunion,1939年)
《雞尾酒會》(The Cocktail Party,1950年)
《老政治家》(The Elder Statesman,1958年)




By T.S.Eliot

Thou hast committed——

Fornication: but that was in another country,

And besides, the wench is dead.

The Jew of Malta




Among the smoke and fog of a December afternoon

You have the scene arrange itself——as it will seem to do——

With 「I have saved this afternoon for you」;

And four wax candles in the darkened room,

Four rings of light upon the ceiling overhead,

An atmosphere of Juliet's tomb

Prepared for all the things to be said, or left unsaid.

We have been, let us say, to hear the latest Pole

Transmit the Preludes, through his hair and finger-tips.

「So intimate, this Chopin, that I think his soul

Should be resurrected only among friends

Some two or three, who will not touch the bloom

That is rubbed and questioned in the concert room.」

——And so the conversation slips

Among velleities and carefully caught regrets
2007-04-17 1:36 am
Robert Pinsky

Robert Pinsky was born in Long Branch, New Jersey, and attended Rutgers and Stanford, where he held a Stegner Fellowship in Creative Writing. He has taught classes in poetry at Wellesley, Berkeley, and currently at Boston University.

Among his awards are the William Carlos Williams Prize, the Shelley Memorial Award, and the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize. His translation The Inferno of Dante was awarded the Los Angeles Times Book Award. From 1997 to 2000 he was the U.S. Poet Laureate.

His books include The Want Bone, The Figured Wheel: Collected Poems 1966-1996, and Jersey Rain. His Tanner Lectures at Princeton University were published as Democracy, Culture, and the Voice of Poetry.


What is the origin of this despair I feel
When I feel
I've lost my grip, can't manage a thing?

That means a clutch of contending voices —
So my voice:

When my mongrel palate, tongue, teeth, breath
Out the noise thing I become host and guest

Of ghosts:
Angles, Picts, Romans, Celts, Norsemen,

Pincers of English the conquered embrace.
Of the woman who strangled her sister one night,

All night
Moaning with the body held in her arms.
The arms

Of the pliers I squeeze hard squeeze its jaws
And my jaw
Clenches unwilled: brain helplessly implicated

In plaited
Filaments of muscle and nerve. In the enveloping
Grip of its evolution

Chambered in the skull, it cannot tell the tool
From the toiler
Primate who plies it. Purposeless despair

The ape to its grapples, restless to devise.
In the vise-

Grip Discontent, the grasper's bent.
2007-04-17 1:34 am
William Wordsworth (April 7, 1770 – April 23, 1850) was a major English romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their 1798 joint publication, Lyrical Ballads. Wordsworth's masterpiece is generally considered to be The Prelude, an autobiographical poem of his early years that was revised and expanded a number of times. It was never published during his lifetime, and was only given the title after his death. Up until this time it was generally known as the poem "to Coleridge". Wordsworth was England's Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850.

詳細生平資料可於http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wordsworth 查看。

著名詩作:I wandered lonely as a cloud

I Wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed--and gazed--but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils

呢首詩仲改成CHOIR的歌, 最近仲出埋RAP版!.
我都唱過呢首歌的CHOIR版, 覺得呢首詩真係好優美^^


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