
2007-04-16 11:52 pm
在Spiderman影片中,有牽涉牛頓第三定律的概念 。當Spiderman向牆面壓,牆就會有反作用力施加於Spiderman手上。而這反作用力又能給予Spiderman向上的frictional force,防止他掉下來, 可以捉住蜘蛛絲飛來飛去.

回答 (3)

2007-04-16 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In the Spiderman movie, has involves the Newton third law the concept.When Spiderman to the wall surface pressure, the wall can have the reacting force to exert on Spiderman.But this reacting force can give Spiderman upward frictional force, prevented he falls, may seize the spider web to fly round.
2007-04-17 3:08 pm
Here is my translation:

"The concept of Newton's third law can be found in the movie Spider-Man. When Spider-Man presses the wall, the wall also applies a reaction force onto him. This reaction force acts as a frictional force that pushes him upward, allowing him enough time in the air to grab his spider web and swing around."

Hope it helps. :)
2007-04-16 11:58 pm
In the Spiderman movie, has involves the Newton third law the concept. When Spiderman to the wall surface pressure, the wall can have the reacting force to exert on Spiderman. But this reacting force can give Spiderman upward frictional force, prevented he falls down, may seize the spider web to fly round.

[hope can help you]

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