
2007-04-16 10:08 pm
(1) 電梯按 2 字
(2) 你可以行樓梯上 3 樓
(3) 你可以落 2 層 樓梯就到 5 樓
(4) 樓梯 / 電梯 在這邊

請幫忙 謝謝你

回答 (3)

2007-04-16 10:14 pm
1. Take the lift to second floor.
2. you can take the stairs to third floor
3. you can go down 2 story to fifth floor
4. stairs/lift is this way
2007-04-16 10:14 pm
1.go in the lift and press 2
2.you can go to the third floor by the stairs
3.you can be the fifth floor after you go down 2 floor
4.the stairs/the lift is on this way

2007-04-16 14:14:28 補充:
1.go into the lift and press 2
2007-04-16 10:12 pm
(1) the elevator (2) you may in the good staircase 3 buildings (3) you be allowed to fall 2 staircases according to 2 characters on to 5 buildings (4) the staircase/elevator in here
Please help thank you

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