AIDS/HIV Antibodies & Syphilis Serology

2007-04-16 9:59 pm
My Room Mate Just Had Her Blood Test - AIDS/HIV Antibodies Test
And Syphilis Serology Test.

The Result For Her Blood Test Is :

(1) HIV Antibodies: NOT DETECTED

(2) Syphilis Serology : NON-REACTIVE

Can Anyone Tell Me What Is This Mean,Please.
Thank You!!

回答 (2)

2007-04-16 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
即係 測唔到佢o既血入面有 HIV (愛滋) 抗體. (可以話而家呢一刻驗唔到有愛滋病)

同埋 FTA-ABS 測驗中, 血清入面都發現唔到有 syphilis (即係梅毒).


2007-04-18 04:55:46 補充:
That mean so far there is very very little chance that ur friend would have HIV nor syphilis.(of course, there could be false negative results, but little chance)Congrads!
2007-04-17 5:59 am
for both tests, the results are negative, that means, your roommate doesn't have aids and doesn't have syphilis

that's good news!

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