
2007-04-16 8:30 pm
3.多數乜野年齡人士參加? 老人 / 成年人 / 學生 / 小朋友
6.禮物的吸引程度? 好 / 一般 / 差

1.有冇光顧過MTR SHOP?
2.平均一星期去幾多次? 冇 / 1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6 / 7↑
3.MTR SHOP方便嗎?
4.MTR SHOP店鋪類型足夠?
5.多數光顧邊種類型店舖? 便利店 / 餅店 / 服裝店 / 飾物店 / 其他


1.有冇使用過iCentre? 有 / 無
4.覺得iCentre 有冇用?
5.平均每個人使用幾耐? 0-10分鐘 / 20-30分鐘 / 30↑

回答 (2)

2007-04-17 3:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Have you heard about the "game of pithy formula" from MTR before?
(2) Did you join it before?
(3) What age of people will join the game? Adult / Child / Senior / Student
(4) Which station's people will join it most?
(5) How many people can get the gifts sucessfully?
(6) Is the gifts attractive? Best / In General / Worst

MTR SHOP......
(1) Have you shopped in MTR Shop before?
(2) How many times will you visit in one week? No / 1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6 / 7+
(3) Is MTR Shop convenience?
(4) Can MTR Shop provide enough different products to you?
(5) What kind of shops will you shopping most? 便利店 / Cake shop / Boutique / 飾物店 / Other

(1) Have you visited iCentre before? Yes / No
(2) Which station's iCentre that most people visiting?
(3) Which website will they go?
(4) What do you think about iCentre?
(5) How long did the person use in iCentre? 0-10 minutes / 20-30 minutes / 30+ minutes
2007-04-16 11:45 pm
The mnemonics 1. have 冇 listen to the MTR mnemonics to play 2. to have 冇 have participated? 3. most mie wild age public figures participate? Old person/adult/student/child 4. side station more people participate in the mnemonics? Do 5. how many multi-people succeed obtain the gift? 6. gift attraction degrees? Good/general/misses MTR SHOP 1. to have 冇 has patronized MTR SHOP? How many does a 2. average week go many times? 冇/1-2/3-4/5-6/7↑ 3.MTR SHOP convenience? 4.MTR SHOP shop type foot 夠? Side 5. most patronage kind of type shop 舖? Convenience store/cake shop/clothing store/decorations shop/other iCentre 1. has 冇 has used iCentre? Has iCentre most people who/does not have 2. side stations to go? At 3. most meetings mie the wild net 4. thought iCentre has 冇 uses? How long does 5. average each person use? 0-10 minute/20-30 minute/30↑

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