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而是音頻的關係 他的回音我們聽不到
他們有作實驗 有測出其實還是有回音的 但要用電腦才測的出來
英國史福大學(University of Salford)已經以實驗證明,鴨叫聲都會造成回音.
So a duck's quack certainly echoes around our reverberation chamber, so a duck's quack does echo. Which leads to the most interesting question, why did the myth arise? The are a few possible explanations that I can think of:
The quack does echo, but it is usually too quiet to hear. When you want to hear an echo, you usually make a very loud noise to make sure the reflection can be heard. But a duck quacks too quietly, so the reflection is too quiet to hear.
Ducks don't quack near reflecting surfaces. You need a large reflecting surface, a mountain or building for the sound to reflect off. Maybe ducks don't hang around reflecting surfaces.
It is hard to hear the echo of a sound which fades in and fades out.