does my friend like me "that way"?

2007-04-16 4:46 am
lately my close friend has been asking me to "hangout" and i cant really tell if they were dates or hangouts. we had 2 so far one was in the movies and a long drive up a hill. the next one was dinner at a nice restaurant and minigolf (she won!). durring the movies we sat really close to each other and our arms were practically glued to each other durring the whole 2 hours but then she was texting her friend while watching. also durring the drive she suggested to go to a park on top of a hill to see the city, it was 10:30 pm and we couldnt find it so i just took her home. on the next meeting we ate a some fancy place and just talked the whole time. then durring minigolf we walked so close sometimes that we kept bumping our arms again. but at the end of the night ther was no hug or anythn. then when i got home she txtd me saying "we should hangout more". im getn mixed signals and im confused cause i really like her alot but i dont know how she feels. also we're watch'n a movie again.

we dony ussually hang out and ive known her for around 3 yrs.


actually she liked me before and told me but that was a couple years ago and i sorta denied her (i was dumb)

回答 (10)

2007-04-16 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
To be perfectly honest, it's nothing too unusual in my opinion.

The person above wrote: "i mean if she didn`t like you then why ask you to hang out?"

Well, why not? Girls hang out with their female friends all the time, why can't they just hang out with their male friends too? She's just treating you like she'd treat a best friend regardless of sex.

But who knows, feelings might develop over time, and when they do, you'd know it.

So why bother being confused?
2007-04-24 11:40 am
She definately likes you, but I think she wants you to make the next move. She wants to show you that she likes you ie. asking you to hang out, sitting close to you, touching you, but she wants you to take it from there. Try asking her to hang out for a change. If she says yes and pays you more attention, go ahead and ask her out/ confess your feelings.... tell her you were a fool for passing her up before.... (We gals love that) Hope this helps!
2007-04-24 10:12 am
sounds like she likes you to me
2007-04-24 10:03 am
It could be she just trust you not necessarily like you that way. You should just ask her straight out if she sees you as a friend or a possibility for more. Sometimes things just take time to develop. Don't rush anything. Don't just try to kiss without knowing how she feels. If you do and she just sees you as a friend, she will you betrayed her trust. COMMUNICATION...get it from the horses mouth.
2007-04-24 9:21 am
no no o no no
2007-04-23 11:08 am
Try kissing her. You'll know then.
2007-04-16 12:03 pm
Well I think she does as she likes close contact.Next time your together compliment her in some way and give her a peck on the cheek and a hug I think she want's you to make a move.Do it you'll be quite happy you did.Probably so will she
2007-04-16 12:00 pm
It sounds like she likes you to me. If I was a chick, I wouldn't ask someone to drive me to a romantic location at night unless I liked them like that. And she was probably texting her friends talkin about you. They probably kept texting her askin if you kissed her yet and all that good stuff. I say go for it pimpin.
2007-04-16 11:53 am
she seems to be giving you the right signal. i think you should just go for it. i mean if she didn`t like you then why ask you to hang out?! if i were to ask a guy to hang out it would be cuz i liked him. i think shes shy adn wants you to make the first move. if you like her.. then tell her! and if she says that she doesn`t feel the same, then tell her about her mixed signals. your problems with the signals will be resolved. but in this case, i doubt that will happen. GO FOR IT!! good luck!
2007-04-16 11:50 am
she prob likes you and is trying to figure the same thing from you! I always say sooner or later if a guy and a girl are single and friends they'll fall for eachother!

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