To set things straight about dating someone under 18...?

2007-04-16 4:14 am
I've read several questions on Yahoo Answers like this:
"Is it illegal to DATE a minor if you're over 18 years old?"

And the answers almost always went thus:
"Yes, it is illegal to have SEX with a minor if you're under 18!"

Now ... let's clarify a few things:

1. The question was about *dating* and the answer was about *sex*.

2. As far as I'm aware, there are no laws against *dating* across the age-18 barrier. Dating... as in... having a relationship, pure and simple.

3. DATING is NOT = SEX. Or is it?

As far as I'm concerned, I'm 18, I've had a boyfriend (for 2 years), my virginity is intact and it'll stay that way for a long time. If I were to fall in love with a 17-year-old classmate and start holding hands with him, I really don't think I'd be breaking the law. And if it is, well, rest assured, I'm not in love at the moment -_-

But please tell me if my assumptions are valid. Thanks!!

回答 (16)

2007-04-16 4:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are 100% correct, there is nothing illegal about dating somebody under the age of 18 and they could be 60, unless there is sex involved. As for the question and the answers that were received that just proves were everybody's minds are, thinking about sex, as you stated the question didn't even involve sex, but that's the type of answers that were received, people need to start paying attention to what is being asked instead of talking about what they are thinking about
2007-04-16 4:21 am
Oh but there is. You see, if a perent has an issure with the adult you can still go to jail my friend. You are an adult and the datee is a minor. There is a three year rule so if your datee is 17 and you are 18 then you are probably cool. it really depends on yours and the other party's families. And if its a small town , what does law enforcement think about that? You could be asking for alot more than you hoped for. And that has nothing to do with sex
2007-04-16 4:20 am
I am totally hoping that you are right, and that *dating* is okay so long as you don't have "intercourse." But how are you supposed to prove that you aren't having sex? Couldn't supposed illegal couples just say that they weren't and then be okay? Who is allowed to press charges anyway? Random people? The cops? The minor's parents?
You know what, this is totally bothering me. I think I am actually going to go so far as to go down to the police station tomorrow and ASK someone damnit. I am sick of going by what everyone else *thinks.*
Because my boyfriend (of 2 years) is turning 19 this year, and I am 17 turning 18 this year. I met him when I was 15 and he was 16, and we started having sex like a year in. So THAT'S illegal?
2016-10-03 1:25 pm
constructive. Why no longer? seem contained in the actual international. might desire to one has the certainty to steer the celeb-deliver lower back on purpose. Why carry the certainty lower back to the graveyards in time whilst that's considered necessary for the survival of the infants available in time. For the sturdy of guy-style. In making this international a extra useful place to stay in time. With the creation of peace in the international goodwill to adult males for the infants available in time. Luke 9.25,fifty 5-fifty six,60 What do you think of?
2014-12-09 1:52 pm
This question thing is old but I wanna clarify I'm 13 and I've been dating a 23 year old for about a year now, nothing intimate has happened but all I can say is love is love, I might get hate for the massive age difference at times but I can't help my feelings, nobody in this relationship are taking advantage sexually or abusivally but Love is love.....
2007-04-17 2:24 am
the way i see it is if you are dating them before you are 18 it is ok if not then you won't be clarified as nothing more than a pedophile in peoples eyes. i for one do not believe ANYONE should date OR HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS with anyone under 18 if they are of age.this is wrong, and if that dont answer the question then ill make it plain and simple ANY PHYSICAL CONTACT as holding hands included with a MINOR is against the law, and if you have morals you could see this.DOES THIS HELP?
2007-04-16 5:58 am
in the USA it depends on what state you live in.

in TN 13 is the ago of consent, BUT
there cant be more than 2 years difference in the people.

so a 15 yr old can legally have sex with a 13 yr old
but a 16 yr old would go to jail

and a 19 yr old can legally have sex with a 17 yr old
but a 20 yr old would go to jail

TALKING about sex is considered contributing to
the delinquency of a minor

I saw a 19 yr old who went to jail for KISSING a 16yo
the charge was "penetrating a minor'
the girl swore under oath it wasnt even a French kiss
and so did her mother (who was there when it happened)
he still got 2 years prison time.
and wore an electronic ankle bracelet for 4 more.

also...... telling someone you will wait for them is called
"grooming" and has the same penalty as doing actually it
and being engaged is also considered grooming.

a local bookstore was closed down a few years ago.
it was 3 blocks past the safe zone for schools.
but an upstairs bathroom had a window that faced the
school..... you would need a telescope,....but
its unlawful to even LOOK in their direction
or at a picture of them
when other things or pictures are present.

so think twice about dating or holding hands

(i wonder if you can be arrested for going to an
adult vid store with pix of your kids in your wallet?)

ask for 2 forms of ID and a birth certificate folks
2007-04-16 4:21 am
You are correct in all things. In a couple of years this minor age difference won't matter. Hang in there
參考: USMC
2007-04-16 4:20 am
you are correct in that part if somone is asking to date somone under the age of 18 it is ok. but if involes sex no the only time is that is that they are at lest 18 them self i agree ver much i feel in love with somone that was 16 and i was 19 at the time well we are no longer together now i am married to a wonderful man well i can not tell you more on me because it is very hard to say it on here.
2007-04-16 4:20 am
I think dating is legal as long as you are still within 2 years of their age. Meaning you can be 18 and date a 16 year old. I have never heard anything about pure dating being illegal. I have never thought of dating being equated with sex but obviously some people do and for that being over 18 and having sex with someone under 18 is illegal.
2007-04-16 4:19 am
yes you are right
2007-04-16 4:19 am
dating UNDER 18 is Ok...
sex with an 18 and UNDER 18 is a NO NO...

sex and dating are NOT the same thing.
2007-04-16 4:18 am
I wondered about this too... this girl I am going out with is older than me, we have gone out for a while now and intend for it to stay that way for a long time to come.... We wondered if she is over 18 and I am not if wewould get in trouble.... Most of my friends say yes we would, but like you said dating isnt sex... grr, this is a frustrating problem
2007-04-16 4:18 am
My humble understanding is that an 18 to 17 year old scenario is legal in PA.
2007-04-16 4:18 am
dating does NOT = sex. and its not illegal to date a minor if ur 18. so its ok to fall in love w/ a 17 year old classmate =] go 4 it
2007-04-16 4:17 am
of course you an date him can also have sex i believe if he is over 16

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