how can you tell your bestfriend you have feelings for her without scaring her away?

2007-04-16 4:11 am
how can you tell someone who youve known all your life your bestfriend you like her without ending your friendship

回答 (3)

2007-04-16 4:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
ok, this same thing has happened to me. And what you can do is "youre talking normally right... so when she gives you that look again you kiss her straight up" Stop being shy and kiss her she will be impressed and then will leave. She will later come back for more and tell you she likes you too. TRUST ME! ive had experienced with that and it worked.

hope this helped! love, Linda

let mee know if this helped in any way.
2007-04-16 4:23 am
Start dropping hints like crazy. Start ending your e-mails with "Love, ____".

Well, you're a boy, so what I did probably wouldn't work as well for you... but here they are:
- I leant on his shoulder for no reason.
- I grabbed his hand at times for no reason.
- I gave him origami (folded paper) flowers for no reason.

Maybe the origami flower thing will work if you're a boy. The shoulder-leaning and hand-grabbing are a bit too obvious (they're more natural for girls, heheh).

Well, just start doing progressively dropping more and more obvious hints. And observe her reactions. If she's not scared by them and if she responds... then I don't think she'd be scared away when you finally confess ^_^
參考: Personal experience: My ex-boyfriend was my best friend and I was the one dropping hints like crazy (well, just read what I wrote =p). "Ex" unfortunately because I left to study in another country and the relationship simply didn't hold over long distance. But who knows, it might flare up once more when we meet again ~_^
2007-04-16 4:23 am
You should try to talk to her, flatter her, flirt. See if she likes you, if she does then go for it. You can get the best girlfriend that way. My boyfriend was one of my best friends. i didn't know him long but when i first moved here we connected. Of course his girlfriend hated me!! lol after a while and they broke up we started getting really close. And he went to my Halloween party. the next day he asked me out. we've been together almost 6 months. But make sure she likes you. If you really have known her all your life and been friends with her she wont hate you!! If she is your best friend then she will stick by you no matter what!
Hope this helps

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