My GPA is a 1.3 is that a good mark or a bad mark?

2007-04-16 1:42 am

回答 (17)

2007-04-16 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
on a 4.0 scale its not very good-- a 1.0 is a D-- so I'm guessing that your grades aren't all that great. you can bring it up though if you start taking things seriously and buckle down and start doing well in your studies.
2007-04-16 8:45 am
bad....based on a 3.0 scale it isn't that bad..but if it is on a 4.0 scale or 5.0 scale you have alot of work to do...because you are failing.
2007-04-16 8:46 am
BAD dummy!!!
2007-04-16 8:46 am
high five my fellow brother keep it up........
2007-04-16 8:46 am
I would say it's bad mark... Study hard, I am sure will can do good in school!!

Good luck
2007-04-16 8:45 am
that's awesome!
2007-04-18 11:20 pm
hell yeah its bad....start studying!
2007-04-16 10:08 pm
That's pretty bad, If you aren't failing your close.
2007-04-16 12:18 pm
Do you even have to ask this question? Oh, but no matter, maybe that's why you have such a GPA.
2007-04-16 9:15 am
Stop playing video games & take your education seriously!!!
You are below failing!!!
2007-04-16 8:53 am
well i think it is bad. in my school it is on a 4.0 scale. so a 1.3 that is like a depends on the rank of your school, like the scale...
2007-04-16 8:52 am
Wow, 1.3 that is not good.
2007-04-16 8:51 am
2007-04-16 8:51 am
oh hunny no....but you can always get it up...dont worry about it...
2007-04-16 8:46 am
Not good.

A 4.0 is an A--the top. 3.0 is a B. , 2.0 is a C, and 1.0 is a D
2007-04-16 8:46 am
That's not good. It's a little over a D average. You should definitely try to raise it.
2007-04-16 8:46 am
Sounds rather low.

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