visiting Hong Kong/ Tokyo?

2007-04-15 9:53 pm
i want to visit both places by the year 2014...i'm starting to save question is this if i decided to stay for 2 weeks how much would i need money wise? i know prices will go up and so on but imagine that i'm going now, so i can get an idea of how much i need to save...thank u all...since i'm visiting those places, a detailed answer is required and also i'll be staying at a hotel

回答 (3)

2007-04-16 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong, let's see...

In US dollars, 2007 levels:

Hotel room = $120/night = $1680 for 2 weeks
Food = $15/day = $210 for 2 weeks

So living costs would be around $2000, allowing for some wiggling room. Add another $1500 for a round-trip air ticket. Of course, if you plan to do lots of shopping, you will need a lot more ~_^

- A room in a hotel rated 3 stars.
- One nice restaurant meal ($8-10), one "food court" meal ($4-5), and a quick breakfast ($1) each day.
- Economy class on Cathay Pacific or comparable airline, though you could probably save by taking China Airlines instead.

For shopping, prices in HK are pretty much the same as in the US. American brands might be more expensive than what you've seen at home, but Japanese and European goods are definitely cheaper than in the US. Of course, there are lots of counterfeit wares from China too, if you know where to find them.

I expect Tokyo is much more expensive than HK. Double the cost, perhaps. Though you could always save staying at an inn: there are some nice traditional ryokan, but watch out... the best are more expensive than hotels, and you usually have to use a communal bath at less expensive ones.

Do your shopping in Hong Kong: it's cheaper.
Do your sight-seeing and tours in Tokyo: it's got a lot more culture to offer than HK.
2007-04-15 10:41 pm
In Tokyo, food and accomadations are expensive. In Hong kong, Accomadations are expensive while the food is relatively cheap.
I would say that you would probably need like $4000-5000 for the two weeks. unless you are traveling with a tour. then it would probably be like... $3000
2016-05-21 11:30 am
Hong Kong

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