i want to open my account in163.com that be in english language.?

2007-04-15 2:30 pm
accutually, 163.com site is opened by me that alway be in chinese language i want to open my account in 163.com in english language. How i get my account open in english language.

回答 (5)

2007-04-15 2:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hey I got soluton. goto google.com search 163.com and there you will find a link saying translate this page.. click over it and it will open chines site in english. Then you can sign-up for an account.

let me know if this helps
2015-01-10 8:06 am
2016-11-01 2:36 am
163.com English
2016-03-19 9:06 am
how do i open it
2016-03-18 7:56 pm
Very clever. Brilliant
2015-05-03 4:52 pm
2014-10-31 10:29 am
good new
2014-08-06 8:26 am
2007-04-17 2:46 pm
downoald the language toolbar

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