
2007-04-16 6:14 am
法文,韓文,西班牙文,德文,我想問邊一種語言易學d? 同埋邊一種實用d???

回答 (2)

2007-04-16 5:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I suggest you studying the spanish which is now classified as the second most spoken languages in the world. (most of the american can speak it very well, actually many latin can also speak it)

According to the languages study conducted by an international authority, with an increase number of chinese, chinese will be replacing spanish in coming decade, so if you really want to take a course of europeran language, i suggest you learning spanish. so,if you can both master Chinese, English, and spanish, you would be equip with bargaining power in your life :) good luck and learn by heart then .

I used to learn spanish in university. work hard :)

2007-04-17 17:03:21 補充:
韓文我都有學 ... 不過我想講 韓文既運用真係好少 ........ 我都係建議你學歐語最熱滿的語言吧
參考: Myself, as student of linguistics.
2007-04-16 6:16 am
個人認為德文有用 d ,因為歐洲唔少國家都用,好似奧地利同瑞士...... 但德文一 d 都唔易學,d grammar 好惡攪下......

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