
2007-04-16 5:57 am
若 因為公司將調你到其他部門, 你發覺那是你不想做的工作而辭職 , 英文應什說?? 請盡量簡短, (因見工需要) thank!!

回答 (4)

2007-04-16 6:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since I was mobilized to the other deparment by my origin company, and I think I am not suitable to do that position so I decided to resign.
2007-04-16 7:29 am
I do not feel comfortable working in the department which i was assigned to, therefore i resigned.
2007-04-16 6:39 am
I think this new work isn't suitable for me because I don't willing to adjust other departments, so I want to resign. Sorry anyway.
參考: My Knowledge + My Mind
2007-04-16 6:03 am
to whom may concern,

i think this department is not suitable for me, becoz i am not interested in and good at it. i would like to do at the department which i am wiling work to.

參考: me

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