
2007-04-16 5:22 am

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2007-04-16 5:33 am
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Tsang savours getting the job done in Beijing

The chief executive election may be over but it seems Donald Tsang Yam-kuen is so happy with his slogan, "I'll get the job done", that he doesn't want to let it go.

He even trotted it out yesterday during his meeting with President Hu Jintao - providing a light moment during an otherwise solemn occasion.

"I have promised the president to do a good job as chief executive and I will firmly remember the promise I made to Hong Kong people during the election, `I'll get the job done'," he told media at a briefing, prompting some laughter from otherwise impassive officials.

Mr Tsang's election promises had also been brought up earlier in a meeting with Premier Wen Jiabao in a slightly more awkward fashion.

Mr Wen said he was particularly impressed by the three phrases Mr Tsang used to sum up his ruling philosophy.

He got the first one, "improving livelihood" right but was lost for words when he came to quoting the second.

"The next one is ... something ... harmony" he stuttered, trying to remember the full phrase.

Despite a clear indication that he needed help, no one came to his rescue until someone from the Hong Kong delegation said the missing word was "creating".

After a prompt from Mr Tsang, Mr Wen then rattled off the three objectives - "improving livelihood, creating harmony and advancing democracy" - word perfect.

Asked during the media briefing whether the premier's memory lapse indicated he might not be too clear about what Mr Tsang's election platform was, the chief executive brushed the notion aside.

He said the premier's remarks had shown how concerned he was about Hong Kong affairs in that he could even remember words Mr Tsang spoke during the election.

Mr Tsang appeared more relaxed yesterday than he did on a similar occasion two years ago and appeared to revel in the praise of the leaders, despite an apparent exhortation from Mr Wen that his responsibilities to Hong Kong must be lifelong.

He faces an easier schedule today. Other than a meeting with Beijing mayor Wang Qishan , his day will be spent touring the "bird's nest Olympic stadium and museums.

Perhaps that's just as well. In contrast to his energetic appearance on his first day in the capital, Mr Tsang coughed several times during the briefing.
參考: South China Morning Post - Tuesday, April 10, 2007
2007-04-16 5:37 am
Reports on activities when Beijing first Zeng Yinquan meets with national traveling Bureau Chief Shao Qi especially great to indicate, because find mercies in inland swims personally, the Hong Kong tourism market is very good, he described a Hong Kong liveliness, the economical trend is strong, the near two year markets are prosperous, soars to the heavens conceited, trust this year is the Hong Kong near for 20 year most prosperity year.

2007-04-16 5:26 am
no!But you can go to yahoo to find

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