英文作文----應該寫d咩? 10點!!!!!!!急

2007-04-16 4:15 am
如果我想作關於"eating at home is better than eating in restaurants"既文章,,,,

回答 (2)

2007-04-16 4:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 食物有保障d,,因為屋企人會洗菜洗得徹底同乾淨、可以講埋外面的碗碟未必洗得乾淨
2. 屋企食會清靜d,,因為冇其他人係附近,,外面食一定好嘈
3. 一家人食飯,,可以傾下計,傾自己今日做過d咩、遇到d咩,講埋自己幫手煮飯,,可以維繫family的感情

淨係諗倒咁多~你睇下岩唔岩用~~我唔識譯做eng.........你自己查字典啦~~ =.=
參考: 自己
2007-04-16 4:40 am
Eating at home is better than eating in restaurants as it's healthier for us to have our meals at home. The dishes that are made by our mothers are some fresh vegetable or meat. Our mothers will wash them fully. However, the dishes eatimg outside sometimes may be quite dirty and unhealthy. The cook may add many monosodium glutamate to the food which will have bad effects to our health. Also, the cooking methods of most of the restaurants are to fry food in oil, just like some fast food restaurants, such as McDonld's, the food is unhealthy and make people fat. The people who always have their dinner or lunch at these fast food restaurants may lead to obesity finally. Thus, eating at home is much better. We can choose the food we like and use some healthy cooking methods to cook the food, like to steam food.
參考: 自己

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