
2007-04-16 3:43 am
係上年我同一個女仔 A 示愛,但係佢拒絕左我。
到左今年,個女仔 A 好似暗示想同我一齊咁,
但係今年有個女仔 B 暗示鍾意我咁,
我都有少少鍾意女仔 B ,而我對女仔 A 既感覺冇以前咁多,
不過我識左女仔 A 都有 8 年左右,
反而我識左女仔 B 都係得 2 年左右,
咁我選擇同邊個一齊好呢 ?
如果選擇左某一方,但唔想HURT到另一方,可以點做 ?
比D 意見我呀....

回答 (4)

2007-04-16 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1)有開心的事, 你喜歡和哪個分享?
(2)有唔開心的事, 又想誰跟你分擔?
(3)見到一些小飾物, 想會送給哪個?
(4)哪個會對你好一些, 細心一些?

記住, 當你決定了就別再三心兩意....如: 覺得對不起另一個/常常想起放棄了的那個/好像還是比較喜歡另一個.......諸如此類的想法要不得, 否則, 三個都會很辛苦

2007-04-15 19:59:07 補充:
決定了而沒有三心兩意就不會 hurt 的了!! 時間是最好藥 !!!
參考: 自己
2007-04-16 4:54 am
Who do you feel you are most comfortable to be with,
Consider who is likely to last longer^^
Knowing a person for how long doesn't matter, the past means nothing, its the future that matters.
Choosing between two is always tough, especially both of which you've known as friends for sooo long.
The best solution without causing much problem is to make up your mind quickly, be with one of the gurl and let the other know. e.g. Be with A and go to B and tell her causally that you are with A. but pretend not to know that B likes you too. THis prevents your friendship to rot "as bad". at least she can't blame you for not choosing her, because you are pretending that you DON't KNOW!!!!

Good luck
2007-04-16 4:14 am
兩個都係暗示!? 會唔會係你誤會左呢
你唔使怕會hurt到女仔a的,只怪她當初不要你 .\"/.
參考: 努力向自己愛的道路出發吧
2007-04-16 3:48 am

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