Can breach of contract?

2007-04-16 3:02 am
On 1May, Wong offered by letter to buy Lee' s car $50,000 . The letter also stated : " If I do not hear from you by 20 May , I shall regard that you have accepted my offer ".Cheung did not reply . Can Wong sue Cheung for breach of contract?

回答 (2)

2007-04-16 3:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
of course not.
contract is the result of exchange of offer and acceptance in a proper period. in this case, only an offer exists, no acceptance from the other party, hence, there is no contract between the two parties. (it's not true to assume that Lee must receive the letter and accept the offer.)
2007-04-16 3:19 am
no, because acceptance MUST be communicated to the offeror and silence does not constitute an acceptance.

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